Institute for Oral History, Baylor University
The Institute for Oral History creates oral history memoirs by preserving a sound recording and transcript of interviews with individuals who are eyewitnesses to history. Excellent workshops and resources on the site.

Center for Documentary Studies, Duke University
Duke University’s Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) is dedicated to documentary expression and its role in creating a more just society. CDS teaches, produces and presents the documentary arts across a full range of media — photography, audio, film, writing, experimental and emerging media.

Vermont Folklife
Founded in 1984, Vermont Folklife is a nationally-known education and cultural research nonprofit that uses ethnography—the study of cultural experience through interviewing, participation and observation—to strengthen the understanding of the cultural and social fabric of Vermont's diverse communities.

TLA Network
Transformative Language Arts (TLA) is a field for practitioners who change the world with words. TLA-ers are activists, teachers, storytellers, coaches, mental health professionals, writers, poets, librarians, facilitators, performers and more.